
Eoka |PvE•x1-x200•Remove•TP•RaidBase•BP•Reskin•FreeShop|

Сервер Rust

Страница сервера

n°90 0

Описание сервера

  • IP-адрес сервера
  • Слоты
    50 слотов
  • Дата добавления
5 голоса
731 просмотры
Нет сайта Голосовать

Сервер с открытым доступом


Welcome to the modified extreme PvE server Eoka!

The server partially or completely supports English and Russian languages!

Today, all plugins are ABSOLUTELY FREE!

- Advanced chat, prefixes, name color, message color

- Auto-upgrade material when building, /bp 1-4

- Automatic distribution in furnaces and refineries

- Automatically close doors when exiting the game, /ofd

- Backpack for 24 or 48 cells, /backpack

- Bases of varying difficulty for a raid in PvP mode

- Change the skins of your items, /reskin

- Character level development system from x1 to x200 (resets once a year, January 1st)

Woodcutting, Mining, Skinning, Aquire (up to level 200) & Crafting (up to level 20)

- Create a stationary recycler, /recycler.craft

- Day length 60 minutes, night length 5 minutes

- Home teleport, teleport to outposts, teleport between players

- If a player does not enter the server for 3 days, his building can be raided (can be increased)

- Increased stacks of resources and items

- Internal store of game resources and items, /shop

- Remove your buildings, /remove

- Simple control of the balloon, more in /info

- Vehicle, minicopter, transport copter, horse and snowmobile are NOT destructible

More details in the game, in the chat: /info


Показать больше параметров
Голоса и просмотры за день
Количество голосов и просмотров за месяц

Список отзывов данного сервера

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